Selection Guide> Data Loggers

Shop MeterMall for: Data Loggers

Shop MeterMall for dataloggers to track temperature, humidity, light, and more!

What is a data logger?
A data logger is an electronic instrument that records measurements (temperature, relative humidity, light intensity, on/off, open/closed, voltage and events) over time. Typically, data loggers are small, battery-powered devices that are equipped with a microprocessor, data storage and sensor. Most data loggers utilize turn-key software on a personal computer to initiate the logger and view the collected data.
How does a data logger work?
First, connect your data logger to a personal computer.  Then use the turn-key software to select logging parameters (sampling intervals, start time, etc.) and initiate the logger.  Disconnect the logger and deploy it in the desired location.  The logger records each measurement and stores it in memory along with the time and date.  Reconnect your logger to the personal computer and use the software to readout the data and see these measurements as a graph, showing the profile over time.  The tabular data can be viewed as well, or exported to a spreadsheet for further manipulation.
Why are data loggers replacing chart recorders?
That's like asking why CDs replaced albums!  Data loggers incorporate the latest in digital technology which makes them smaller, less expensive, more accurate and more reliable than chart recorders.  Plus, you get your data in digital format which makes your data analysis, storage, and presentation so much more convenient.  Data loggers don't require costly and inconvenient chart supplies because you view data right on your PC or laptop.


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Where are data loggers used?
Data loggers are used in remote areas or anywhere you want the convenience of battery power to record measurements. They are ideal for those involved with field studies, transportation monitoring, HVAC tests, quality studies, troubleshooting and general research. Data loggers can be used in a wide variety of applications. Their small size makes data loggers ideal for mounting in out-of-the-way locations.
What is a data shuttle?
A data shuttle is a pocket-sized device used to offload and restart multiple data loggers and transport the data back to your personal computer.  This allows you to keep your loggers in the field for continuous monitoring and recording. Connect the Shuttle to your PC and use the the special software to readout and view the data from the Shuttle.
Why choose data loggers over other data acquisition systems?
Some data acquisition systems require the installation of special hardware in your PC and special connection and wiring of sensors. These systems work well in permanently configured, on-line applications but can be costly and difficult to use.  Data loggers greatly reduce the price per channel for most logging applications and are so much easier to use.  They and can be placed in remote areas that permanent digital systems simply cannot go.
What to look for in a data logger?
What do you want to measure?  Loggers to measure temperature, humidity, light intensity, equipment on/off cycles, positional (eg., open/closed), rainfall, voltage, and more are available.

Units of measure and measuring ranges.

User-selectable sampling intervals.

Data storage capacity.

User-friendly software.

Watertight cases, if necessary.

Small size, portable, self-contained, battery operated, low cost.