Hot Weather's Here!

How are your cows feeling?. . . . How are they milking?


     Keep tabs on your cows’ thermal comfort this summer with the innovative THI Logger System from Animal Environment Specialists (about us).  Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) tables have been around for years giving you a rough idea of  heat stress and potential loss in milk output.  Now, you can monitor THI around the clock and get a much more accurate picture of when, how long, and to what degree your cows are heat-stressed.


Logger & cow guard
       The heart of the THI Logger System is a small, battery-operated HOBO data logger that records air temperature and humidity every ten minutes around the clock for up to 28 days. The logger is programmed and launched from your PC using simple-to-use software. When logging is complete, quickly download temperature and humidity data to your PC for easy viewing and graphing. Then export the data to a special Excel spreadsheet to calculate and view  THI data in table or graph form and get daily summaries for the four levels of THI heat stress:  None; Mild; Intermediate; and Severe.  



     A warm environment can reduce cow’s dry-matter intake and milk production by up to 30%! Use your THI Logger System to make informed decisions about managing your herd in hot weather, including adjustments to ration formulation, forage:concentrate ratio, feeding time, water availability, and auxiliary cooling. You get accurate heat-stress information in easy-to-read graph form and daily summaries.
     Each THI Logger System comes complete with temp/humidity logger, a special guard to protect the logger from curious cows, software, serial communication cable, and dairy-specific instructions developed exclusively by Animal Environment Specialists.  A single software package will operate multiple loggers. See below for system requirements.
PRICING  Low pricing makes the THI Logger System affordable for any size dairy
THI Logger System .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .      $129.00        Order Now
Includes 1 Hobo logger, 1 cow guard, 1 software  package, 1 serial communication cable, THI/Excel template and complete dairy-specific instructions
Extra Logger with cow guard   .  .  .  .  .  .   $89.00        Order Now
 New Meter measures temp, humidity, AND wind speed  
.to improve your heat-stress estimate!
     New research suggests that cows feel 1.1 THI units cooler for every 1 mph increase in wind speed.  Use this rule of thumb to more accurately manage tunnel ventilation and stir fan systems on your farm. The 3-in-1 Temp/ Humidity/Air Speed Meter lets you easily and accurately spot-check the three most critical influences on cow thermal comfort.   Meter comes complete with dairy-specific instructions and THI chart with air speed adjustment.      

        Temp/ Humidity/    Air-Speed Meter


3-in-1 Temp/Humidity/Air Speed Meter .  .  .  .$129.00          Order Now  

with dairy-specific instructions and THI chart      
Meter Features and Specifications
Want to know more about dairy heat stress
Click Here for Latest Info on Dairy Heat Stress
Animal Environment Specialists is an independent consulting firm serving the livestock production industry since 1987.  Experts in environmental management, we help pork, poultry, dairy, and veal producers create healthy, stress-free environments to maximize animal health and productive
performance.   We assist in troubleshooting environmental problems, planning new facilities, remodeling old units, and provide advice on how to best manage livestock environments day-in, day-out.   Need help solving your heat-stress problems?  Contact AES

Animal Environment Specialists offers a variety of hand-held measuring and monitoring devices –selected specifically for use in livestock facilities—at our website,  

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THI Logger System Requirements:
386 or better processor with at least 4M of RAM running Windows 3.1x or Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME, one available serial port, and an installed copy of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program. Software is designed for a single user and is not warranted to run in a network environment.
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