Meter Features


Water-resistant housing--floats
* Pocket-sized
* Dual LCD display
* Averaging function
* Replaceable wind vane
* Fold-up protective housing
* Data hold and Auto power off
* Comes with  battery and lanyard
Ranges (Max resolution):
   ft/min: 100 to 5500 (20)
   MPH: 1.1 to 62.6 (0.2)
   m/sec: .5 to 28 (0.1)
   km/h: 1.8 to 100.6 (0.7)
   Temp: 0 to 122 F(0.1) (-18 to 50 C (0.1)
   Humidity: 10 to 95% (1)
    Basic Accuracy:
       Airflow: +/- 3% reading
       Temp: +/- 1.8F (1 C)
       Humidity: +/- 4%
   Dimensions/weight:          5.25 x 2.25 x 0.75" / 3 oz
   1 year warranty
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