Smoke Candles
-- High-volume, dense, white smoke for air flow studies
Purchase Smoke Candles
Superior Signal Smoke Candles produce smoke produce large quantities of dense, white smoke for tracing air flow patterns and leak-testing. Light smoke candles with a match or lighter. They produce no flame, only smoke by a thermogenic chemical reaction over a specific burn time.
Choose from three smoke candle burn times and smoke volumes to meet your needs.
1A: Each candle: 30 seconds, 4000 cu ft, 12 candles/pkg
2B: Each candle: 60 seconds, 8000 cu ft, 12 candles/pkg
3C-6: Each candle: 3 minutes, 40,000 cu ft, 6 candles/pkg
3C-12: Each candle: 3 minutes, 40,000 cu ft, 12candles/pkg
Leak Detection: Smoke from a Superior Smoke Candle is highly visible, blending readily with air and gases. While a burning smoke candle is hot, the resulting smoke is cool and does not support combustion. Invisible leaks become readily detectable when Superior Smoke is added. To detect leaks in small- or medium- sized enclosures--such as furnaces, tanks, piping systems and ductwork--use enough smoke to fill a volume at least 2-3 times greater than that being tested.
Air-Flow Studies: Superior Smoke Candles simplify the observation of flow patterns in all types of wind tunnels, air-moving equipment, and natural airflow, indoors or out. Generally, 1 part smoke to two parts air (volume:volume) provides readily viewable results. Balance HVAC system by observing the discharge of smoke from ducts and supply grilles.
Photography: Smoke from Superior Smoke Candles photographs from white to dark gray, depending on smoke density and lighting. Dramatic color effects can be achieved by directing colored lights through thin concentrations of the smoke.
Semi Trailer and Cargo Container leak tests: Smoke from one 3C smoke candle generously fills a 40 ft container from top to bottom and front to back. Clearly shows rust holes, popped seams and welds, leaks around doors and hinges. One to two 3C smoke candles are recommended for semi trailers.
The Superior method of generating smoke by thermogenic chemical reaction eliminates costly equipment and time consuming operations in pinpointing leaks. Smoke tests effectively and inexpensively reveal leaks and other faults in heating and air conditioning duct work, furnaces, tanks, piping and sewerage/waste collection systems, semi trailers and shipping containers. Superior Smoke Candles are ideal for observing air flow patterns, evaluating exhaust systems, photography, dislodging animals and triggering smoke alarms. Smoke varies in color from white to gray depending upon density and lighting. Superior Smoke Candles contain no explosive materials.
Caution: The smoke emitted from Superior Smoke Candles is non-toxic, but can irritate breathing passages when respiratory protection is not used.
Superior Signal Smoke Candles are not shippable outside the United States.
Purchase Smoke Candles
- Model: 1A | 30 sec. 4000 cu ft. 12/pkg; 2B | 60 sec. 8000 cu ft. 12/pkg; 3C-6 | 3 min. 40K cu ft. 6/pkg; 3C-12 | 3 min. 40K cu ft 12/pkg
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Video Demo
The Regin Powder Smoke Kit produces small
dense clouds perfect for leak-testing and tracking
air flow patterns of low-velocity drafts. Just flip
open the bottle cap, point and give the rubber bulb a quick . . .
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Order the complete kit below
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perfect . . .
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15-049 Smoke Sticks Product SheetSmoke Sticks cannot ship by air.
UPS Ground delivery to US and Canadian customers only.
Persistent, white tracer smoke-- great for checking air flow patterns.Tel-Tru Smoke Sticks . . .
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both the . . .
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Sorry, this product cannot ship by air.UPS Ground delivery only to US and Canadian customers.
15-120 Tel-Tru Smoke Puffers from E Vernon . . .
15-092 Tel Tru Smoke Gun Kit --
Sorry, this product cannot ship by air. UPS Ground delivery only to the US and Canadian customers.
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15-093 Reload Vials for Tel Tru Smoke Gun & Dura-Puffer --
Sorry, this product cannot ship by air. UPS Ground delivery only to the US and Canadian customers.
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The 17-023 Borozin Powder Gun produces discrete clouds of dense white �smoke� (actually a very fine powder made up of zinc stearate) with each squeeze of the rubber bulb handle. A precision machined valve regulates . . .
17-024 Refill Borozin Powder, 4 oz -- The 17-023 Tel Tru Borozin Powder Gun is no longer in production.
But the replacement powder for Borozine Guns is still available from MeterMall!
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